Suet is a smart addition to winter bird feeding if you’re not offering it all year. There are many different styles of suet feeders to choose from. A basic single suet cage is very price friendly and can be hung from a tree branch or in a shrub. These feeders can accommodate one or two suet cakes depending on the style you prefer. If you would like to upgrade your suet feeder you can choose feeders that have a tail prop. This will help the woodpeckers balance with their tails rather than curling themselves around a smaller feeder. If you’re worried about squirrels getting to these feeders you have even more options.

2-Cake Hanging Suet Feeder

A baffle can be placed over the feeder or you may choose the squirrel proof suet feeder by Brome Bird Care. Another alternative is using squirrel-proof suet. This suet includes caspian oil which is too spicy for squirrels, but doesn’t bother the birds.

Squirrel Proof Suet

Mill Creek suet offers a variety of options for you to choose from. If you’re not feeding seed you can offer suet that contains sunflower seeds or peanuts. A favourite of the woodpeckers and nuthatches is the Mill Creek Bug and Nuts. Suet Nuggets can also be offered in mesh peanut feeders. Lots of choices when it comes to suet.

Mill Creek Suets

Providing water for birds during the winter months is also very important. You can do this by adding a heated bird bath to your yard, deck or patio. There are many styles to choose from, including free standing, ground, deck or post mounted. If you have a bird bath that can withstand winter temperatures, you may decide to add a bird bath heater. Ceramic bird baths can crack when the weather gets cold so we do not recommend leaving them out in the winter. By offering water for the birds you may even see birds that don’t feed in your yard. Heated bird baths can be used all year round as the cord easily tucks away when the warm weather returns. An outdoor extension cord will be required.

3 in 1 SongBird Spa

Roosting boxes or roosting pockets are also helpful to birds during the inclement weather. Small roosting pockets can be placed in shrubs or bushes. Try to place them so the opening isn’t facing prevailing winds. Roosting boxes can also be attached to your home, shed, or mounted on a pole. It is advisable to have the opening facing south or south east to provide the most warmth.

You can help the birds in the winter by considering these options. It will surely bring a smile to your face this winter.

Happy Birding!

By- Jane Paradis

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