That term is commonly given to Canadians seeking a winter break in Florida. It also applies to two species of birds. Everyone is familiar with Snow Buntings, those white, brown and black birds of open fields. They come in flocks of dozens to hundreds, feeding on weed seeds or landing on the road briefly to pick up a bit of grit for their crop to aid in digestion. These birds tend to be very flighty, constantly flying up then quickly returning to feed.
The other true snowbird is the Dark-eyed Junco. This harbinger of winter arrives shortly before snow sets in and usually remains until spring. This is a species that many people have at their feeders and may be in small loose flocks. The adult males are gray above and white below while females and young males are browner. These birds are seed eaters, favouring mixed seeds, sunflower seeds and sometimes Nyjer. They will also pick at seeds in seed cakes.
Happy Birding!
Brian Morin
Publisher of Ontario Birding News