The Party is Almost Over

The Party is Almost Over

The breeding season is essentially over for most species but one holdout, the American Goldfinch, is late to the game. Unlike virtually all other songbirds, they do not take advantage of Nature’s bounty and serve their chicks insects. Instead, they carefully pluck small seeds, notably from late-blooming plants like thistles, daisies and other composite flowers and regurgitate them for the young birds.

While they are busy attending to family duties, other songbirds are already beginning to slowly move through our communities. There is no big rush because food is abundant so they take their time and stock up for the long trip south. The largest numbers will begin to appear later in the month into September. Watch for swallows gathering, especially in rural areas and near water where flying insects are abundant.

Happy Birding!

Brian Morin

Publisher of Ontario Birding News

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