Bird-B-Gone Solar Repeller for Birds



The Bird Repeller is a solar powered bird deterrent that uses continuous motion to prevent large pest birds from landing. The Repeller has two 2.5 foot long "arms" mounted on top of the unit that spin continuously covering an area of 5 feet. The movement will scare birds away from the treated area. The Solar Bird Repeller is portable, and can store energy to keep it lasting into the night.

  •  Solar Powered
  • Lightweight / easy to mount
  • Portable unit with on/off switch
  • Can be mounted on flat or angled surfaces
  • Comes with 2-AA rechargeable batteries for extended operation during dark periods
Bird B Gone

Bird-B-Gone Solar Repeller for Birds


The Bird Repeller is a solar powered bird deterrent that uses continuous motion to prevent large pest birds from landing. The Repeller has two 2.5 foot long "arms" mounted on top of the unit that spin continuously covering an area of 5 feet. The movement will scare birds away from the treated area. The Solar Bird Repeller is portable, and can store energy to keep it lasting into the night.

  •  Solar Powered
  • Lightweight / easy to mount
  • Portable unit with on/off switch
  • Can be mounted on flat or angled surfaces
  • Comes with 2-AA rechargeable batteries for extended operation during dark periods
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