Evening Greedy

Evening Greedy

Imagine the surprise experienced by some backyard birders in recent days when their feeders were inundated by a flock of Evening Grosbeaks. For most this was a first. In fact, it was a scene not experienced in parts of the GTA for decades.

These beauties have left the north woods looking for cones on evergreens as well as seeds on deciduous trees and shrubs. In our yards, they will devour sunflower seed, hence the nickname ‘Evening Greedy’.

Many will continue further south (there have even been exceptionally rare sightings in Florida!) but some will stick around for us to enjoy this winter. Having these birds at your feeder is like winning the winter finch lottery. Females are mostly gray with black and white wings and there is a hint of greenish-yellow on the flanks and neck. These large finches sound like glorified House Sparrows, brightening up any landscape.

Happy Birding!

Brian Morin

Publisher of Ontario Birding News

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