Snow Birds
That term is commonly given to Canadians seeking a winter break in Florida. It also applies to two species of birds. Everyone is familiar with Snow Buntings, those white, brown...
That term is commonly given to Canadians seeking a winter break in Florida. It also applies to two species of birds. Everyone is familiar with Snow Buntings, those white, brown...
In the next few weeks, Ontario will experience an explosion of bird activity with tens of millions of migrants pouring in, songbirds in particular. Already we have seen Juncos, Song...
Did you know that February is National Bird Feeding Month? In 1994 US Congressman John Porter from Illinois acknowledged February as the toughest month for birds to survive, and wanted...
Witness Nature's Wonders
Our backyard bird feeders are the perfect way to elevate your birding experience. Enjoy live cameras that feed you beautiful footage of the birds as they feed. Live feeder cams are a great way to never miss a minute of action at the feeders. Our live bird feeder cam is located in the Niagara Region in Ontario. Watch the live feed and you can see many of the birds that are local to our area and visit backyard bird feeders.